Thursday, July 5, 2007

Sleeping at The Shore of South Ensenada

Last week I spent some time at one my friends little "hideaways" out on the road to Bufadora. A kid that used to be in my youth group is now a Pastor, and brought a group from his church in Arizona. We also had a few braves teens from our church who jumped in.

Walt and Christy have about 8 acres that look right out over the Todos Santos Bay South of Ensenada. Man, it is so easy to fall asleep when the ocean waves are rolling, and the cool salt air purs through the window. About a five minute walk is this cool "Paty's Cafe" where all the American expatriates gather to gossip and drink coffee.
The only thing that ruined the trip was David Foreman (D4) staying up until 1 playing cards and doing horrible imitations from "Office Space".

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