OK. Unilke most Charger fans - I am not going to give up on the Bolts - even though every other Charger fan I know in East Chula Vista is depressed right now. The following, written the third week in November, is my prediction of how the Chargers will go DEEP into the playoffs. BELIEVE!
#1 - The Chargers are one game up on the competition in what has to be the worst divsion in the NFL right now.
#2 -Assuming we go 9-7 (heck, even 8-8), we will win the division. To do that, the Chargers simply must a) Beat Baltimore at OUR HOUSE on 11/25, b) Beat Tennesse (who are lousy), c) Beat the Raiders (who are REAL LOUSY) and they will be 8-8 which should secure the division. If they beat awful Denver on December 24th - they will be 9-7 - which pretty much assures them the division.
#3 - OK - here is where things get interesting. As we learned last year - the point of the NFL is not to have a good regular season record - it is to get a slot in the playoffs! Once our Bolts get into the playoofs - they have as good a chance as anyone to get on a run. Think about it - with all that talent - they could be one of those teams (as the Rockies did in baseball) -that gets hot - and go deep into the playoffs.
#4 - Objectively - I predict the Chargers will go at least 2 games into the Playoffs...maybe more. Does anyone disagree?
I don't disagree that this team will make the playoffs. Shoot, with the AFC West, they will probably get a home playoff game. But, as far as going deep in the playoffs...with a defensive coordinator trying to rely on a 4-man rush every play, Norv still calling dives with LT every other play (even though 90% of the successful run plays have been stretch plays to the OUTSIDE), and Philip Rivers playing like he went the John Rose Camp for Quarterbacks, this team has no shot in the playoffs. They may get lucky and score a few points in the playoffs but I don't see how this team can pull off a win.
Yeah...sorry John. That all sounds good on paper, and I agree too that they'll probably win the division. But once they get to the playoffs, there is only one major flaw in your theory. Norv Turner will still be the coach. I guess Marty Ball wasn't so bad after all, eh?
John Rose Camp for Quarterbacks...that's funny! Funny cause it's true.
And what exactly is wrong with the John Rose School of Quarterbacking? It was good enough for Tom Brady when I coached him!
Doubtful. wrong. You guys WILL lose to Tennessee, Detroit and Denver...and don't just count on that finale in Oakland to be 7-9 and miss the playoffs. The NEW RB is not LT, but Adrian Peterson of the Vikings.
Norm Turner, who? Nice dream season last year, but don't count on it this year.
Guess Who? (hint: 2001-2002 sold you my T.V.)
John, I hope you're a betting man, cause I'd thrown down my kid's college fund that the "bolts" will not make it out of the first round of the playoffs.
1. LT has been a lamb this year, I could name 5 better running backs (ADDAI, Peterson, Westbrook, Brown, heck even Fargas on Oakland who will beat you)
2. Phillip Rivers????
3. Best case scenario you'll be playing the Colts in Indy in one of the first two rounds and there it is GAME OVER. Our first matchup with you was such a fluke
Much love from Indiana
Wes - I hope you are not trying to adopt Indy as "Your Team" - because that means you are a bandwagon jumper. The other possibility is that you thought Detroit had a shot - but as the time has shown since your post - NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. You stand as a good chance of going to the play-offs as the Lampi twins do of winnign the next American Idol.
Ok, after reading the out-of-towner haters (especially the ones saying the Raiders will beat the Chargers) I'm going to change my opinion. Now that Norv and Cottrell are changing their game plans, this team does have a chance. I'm still worried that when we meet up against a team with a decent offense, Cottrell will go back to his soft read and react defense that plagued us earlier this season. If we attack and stay aggressive, we can beat anybody (ESPECIALLY the Raidunks).
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