My musings on Baja, Church, and raising a family in East Chula Vista, California.
Jake and Steph on the way to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Florida.
The Rose family just returned from a week of fun and traveling to Florida. We signed up for one of those "see everything in Disneyworld while you eat all you want for $327,493" deals. I know with many people Walt Disney and Disneyland are almost sacred - but as for me - yuck! I told Stephannie that this was a great place to visit with our kids - ONCE! Allow me to share the good vs. the bad...
It is GOOD that Disneyworld is safe, clean, and obviously family friendly.
It is BAD to have so many families with so many kids crammed into so many areas at the same time. The sight of parents exploding at thier kids - or kids acting like kids -was almost constant. (Yes - I was one of the parents who lost my cool - once...or twice).
It is GOOD that there are so many diversions, so many things to do, so much entertainment.
It is BAD to spend too many days sitting on your behind - being entertained, eating, milling around like cows on a farm.
And of course, there had to be a surprise "roast". Only three brave souls dared to stand and mock me. Mark Barazza, Michelle Rosen, and frustrated un-emplyed carnival sideshow announcer Buzz Fink. Here he is stealing MY spotlight at MY party.
I must say, it was a great time of food, fun, and great friends. Better yet - there was leftover Carne Asada & Home made salsa.