Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cinco De Mayo on June 16th!

Victory! I completed my Masters of Divinty Degree!
Like most journeys, the road to completing my Divinity degree had many bumps and detours. Through the process I attended FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY in Los Angeles, NORTH PARK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY in Chicago, and AZUSA PACIFIC SEMINARY in Azusa, California (with an extension right here in San Diego). Because of my various studies I was notified late that I had been cleared to graduate with my Masters of Divinity Degree. I graduated and "walked" in Azusa on May 5th. Steph and I thought it would be fun to put together a "Belated" Cinco De Mayo party in our backyard. So we did - on June 16th.

The first step to a great Fiest is good food. My friend Irma hooked us up with "Mario", who set up a full "Mexican Style" taco stand. he even
brought along an assistant who made tortillas by hand! The early highlight of the party was Joyce and "Loco Boy Cliff" showing up in full fiesta regalia, ready to join the

The party had a great mix of old and new friends, and it is always interesting to get a bunch of people who know you from different experiences in the same place!

And of course, there had to be a surprise "roast". Only three brave souls dared to stand and mock me. Mark Barazza, Michelle Rosen, and frustrated un-emplyed carnival sideshow announcer Buzz Fink. Here he is stealing MY spotlight at MY party.

I must say, it was a great time of food, fun, and great friends. Better yet - there was leftover Carne Asada & Home made salsa.

Monday, June 18, 2007

MEXICO TRIP on June 9th - I love Mexico! As a Christ-follower I also am filled with a compelling sense of campassion and mission for the people of Mexico. This has certainly spilled over to our church - Rancho Vista.

Almost from the start of our church we have always been highly involved in services activitities in Mexico. In fact, as I always say on Sundays "We are not a church that 'does' mission trips to Mexico, we are a church whose core foundation is to be involved in Mexico".

Last Saturday we went to one of "our" orphanages - Colina de Luz. Our job for the day was to feed the 135 residents and staff of the facility. This was a "Family trip", a chance for the families of our church to bring thier kids on a less intense type of trip.
Here Stephannie attempts to "school" a 23 year old soccer star, as my son Jake looks on in shock!

We have a tradition that at the end of almost every trip, we sit down for a meal together. There is really something unifying and spiritual about serving those in need, meeting new friends, and joinging together in a great meal together. Usually there are a few "new" people that come along on these trips - and we always form a deep bond and memories.
On Saturday, my good friend Dwain (Best 68 year old softball player I have ever known) did something special. He considers himslef a Vegan - and is extremely disciplined in what he eats. Yet I, working my special Baja magic, was able to get him to "walk towards the light" and feast on some great Lobster at Puerto Nuevo. ALL IN ALL ANOTHER GREAT DAY IN MEXICO!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Mt. Whitney - The highest point in the United Stayes. Been there - done that 10/9/06!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Jake The T-Ball Champion

OK! As a father it is extremely hard to be objective about the talents of your son. I am willing to stipulate that in the past year Jake has NOT always been good at listening, keeping his hands to himself (yes - he hit a girl at the first day of Kindergarten), or leaving snacks for others to eat at Sunday School!

However - the joy of my life this year has been to discover that baseball comes naturally to Jake. We have reached the point - at 5 years old - where I have to ask him to please throw the ball to my mit - and not onver my head. He can - at will - throw the ball 30 feet - and still zing it over my head. He has also developed the ability to catch high pop-ips, and loves to slide on grass to catch grounders.