Today I had the best birthday of my life. It began with my two children coming into our room and hugging and kissing me - and then my wife hugging me while my kids jumped on me and screamed happy birthday. I than received a very touching card from my Mom and Dad that was very emotional.
Throughout the day I began to receive greetings via Facebook. How strange and wonderful something like Facebook is. In a period of 10 hours I received greetings from:
+The friend (girl) in High School who I actually chewed tobacco with - and then kissed.
+Various "kids" from my first Youth Group who are now in their 30's-40's (youch).
+The Bride from the great wedding I went to in Mexico last summer.
+Someone who just began attending our church 2 months ago
+Kids from Minnesota who I led on a Baja trip a couple years ago.
+My sister.
+Old but good friends from Kansas, South Carolina, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and other strange places.
+Many friends who I have consistently beat while sitting at a card table (and a few friends who have beat me around a card table).
+A guy I "co-starred" in a High School performance of the "Odd Couple" with.
+Many friends who I have served in ministry with in various churches, who I have had the honor of serving the Lord with shoulder to shoulder.
+Random folks that I have shared experiences with on mission trips to Jamaica, Costa Rica, and MANY of our Baja friends.
+My failed workout partner who once told me the only way he could motivate me to operate the "crunch" machine at the Gym is if he tied a Krispy Kreme to the end of it.
+Parents of kids I have coached in softball and little league
+Old High School kids from Yosemite "Supertrips" (many now married with kids of their own)
+3 of the couples whose marriages I officiated.
I could go on. My point is I am extremely thankful to God for the rich variety of experiences and people that he has brought into my life. Today has really given me appreciation for the width and depth of good friends I have - and for that I am extremely grateful to God!